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Building a new Japan

Tanaka Kakuei

ID : 64660

Издательство: Simul Press

Стиль: Художественная литература

Жанр: Книги на иностранном языке

Год издания: 1973

Язык: Русский

Переплет: Твердый, в суперобложке

Формат: Средний

Количество страниц: 228 стр.

Тип издания: Отдельное издание

Тираж: --- шт.

Состояние: Очень хорошее

ISBN: ---

When Japan left the League of Nations in 1933 it parted company with the devocratic forces in world politics. After that, it passed through an unsavory period of World Warr II ending with Hirishima and Nagasaki. Japan's relations with the outside world had long been those not of goodwill and understanding but of dispeasure and indifference. Today, however, it has become a world power on the basis of its economic development. An era has arrived in which Japan must bear the serious responsibilities that go along with being one of the leading countries of the world. Whether one likes it or not, Japan's position is now such that the people of the world must learn about the country and try to understand it better.

This book by the young Prime Minister of Japan is a valuable document to help readers learn what the Japanese today are thinking about and starting to do. This informative essay presents problems of and warnings to all advanced industrial nations.

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