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Главная ИскусствоWiedemann Ed. Julius ➜ Advertising now. Print
Advertising now. Print

Издательство: Taschen

Стиль: Нехудожественная литература

Жанр: Искусство

Год издания: 2008

Язык: Английский, Немецкий, Французский

Переплет: Мягкий

Формат: Большой

Количество страниц: 608 стр.

Тип издания: Отдельное издание

Тираж: --- шт.

Состояние: Отличное

ISBN: 978-3-8228-4027-6

The art of selling: today's most effective and original ads. The world's sharpest creative minds are in high demand in the advertising world, because making effective ads takes a whole lot more than just marketing know-how. A great ad grabs the viewer's attention and gets the point across in an original, surprising, funny, touching, or even shocking way. Because ads reflect global and regional mentalities, studying them is interesting not only for their selling points but also for what they have to say about their clients and target audiences. This mega-roundup of the world's best contemporary advertisements highlights the work of agencies in over 40 countries. Organized by subjects, such as socio-political, food and beverage, cars, technology, and media, the ads are dated and annotated with information on the design agencies, clients, and products. Also included are essays written by top creative directors including members and presidents of the jury in advertising Festivals such as the Cannes Advertising Festival and Clio Awards. This guide is a must-have for managers, advertising students and professionals, graphic designers, and anyone who's interested in the different ways products are advertised around the world.

Издание на немецком, французском и английском языках.

Формат: 20 см х 25,5 см.

3500 руб RUB

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